Event Musings: Trivia Night!

Hello everyone!

We had a most wonderful time at our first Social event of the new term: Trivia Night!

Please find below some words from our Social Secretaries, Kate and Nick, who hosted the event!:

“Clarendon Friday Night trivia was a fun evening filled with a variety of questions. Trivia categories included: How Well Do You Know Oxford?; Who Said That?; This or That Logo Edition; Guess the Fad, Rebuses and more. Clarendon scholars got to catch-up and socialize before and after the trivia questions, and some Scholars even participated in the event from the lab! All in all, Clarendon scholars are fantastic at trivia and the the Council will have to come up with harder questions in the future! Prizes will be awarded shortly to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!” - Kate Friesen and Nishant (Nick) Chauhan, Social Secretaries.

Image: a Trivia slide from the Trivia Night!

Image: a Trivia slide from the Trivia Night!


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